COLOUR: An essence of Life

Life is so beautiful because of the fragrance of colours…

Have you ever imagined how the world would have looked like if there was no COLOUR? It would have just been gross darkness because i think that COLOUR is available because of the presence of Light.

God is so wonderful and wise. He made light first before bringing every other things to life. Every beauty is born out of Light.

The sky is blue. Grasses are green. Humans have different complexion, Animals have their COLOURS. This makes life colourful and beautiful.

We all need each other to make life beautiful. Whether we are black or white, Asian or African, wherever we are from, our coming together makes life interesting. The different COLOURSS add beauty to the world.

I can’t even imagine the whole human race being dark. It will be boring, gloomy and not fun to be.

Now the best beauty is in COLOUR VARIETIES which are complementing each other. COLOURS are given different meaning and is applicable in all areas of life. It even have its own effects on how people feel at every point in time.

The choice of colour is important in business, church, schools and all areas. 

The best COLOURS are seen in nature. The food we eat, the sands and stones, the colours we see around without man’s interference are beautiful.

Wow, Colours are beautiful and it binds the whole world. COLOUR IS THEREFORE A LIFE ESSENCE.


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